11 août 2022

(Color) Violet Times

 The color violet has always inspired us ambiguous feelings. For one it is a very pleasing and appeasing color but at the same time, it is often associated with less desirable human soul states like nostalgia, aging and sometime death and the end of our short or long period of life.

In nature, the color violet is also very rare to observe as for the flower that have given its name to identify it. Because of its obvious rarity, the color violet symbolizes a kind of mystic bridge between life and death, between day and night, between good and bad, etc. It is recent in human history that violet now represent more positive trends in our society, the color of women political emancipation, one of the colors that is part of the gay rainbow symbol, or its more extended use into the fashion industry.

For the photographer, the color violet can be an eye catching one that we tend to isolate from others creating an exquisite and exclusive effect of its own. May be violet is a charming color that is trying to ensorcelled us...

Photo Daniel M: Lumix G95 / G Vario 14-140mm II

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