29 septembre 2020

Popping Colors!

For many who love to do color photographs, the multiple options to produce them with "boosted" coloration are very attractive. Doing that kind of color rendering is not really a new thing. Even during the film-analog era the possibility to increase the color brilliance by selecting specific film types or using special filters was vastly known.

Every digital camera model will offer you some kind of enhanced color mode. It can be presented as a complete and invariable rendition package or as a base that can be altered following your own taste in this matter. Specific mode can variously name by the manufacturer often referring to their own historical color bias.

On the other hand, you may object, all color picture file can be also corrected not only for the colors but also for other exposure parameters like contrast, brightness, etc. In that case every picture "post-edited" will ask you to second guess your preferences outside the picture taking context which it can be a good or a bad thing depending what you are looking for. Post-processing is a whole world by itself and will demand you to invest in an all new learning curve.

If you are interested about more recurring photo projects, you may be interested to get predicable and repetitive results that allow you to concentrate on your subject by itself, its composition and its moment of posing. At this stage, a comprehensive picture mode can be a great help assuming it represent faithfully your desired vision. For sure further experimentations may be needed to select a preferred picture mode.

The same pattern of choices has been developed more recently for the monochrome (black and white) rendering. In that specific case, contrast, brightness and gray tonal distribution are mainly the selected bias intended by the photographer.

At the end, popping color modes are only another visual interpretive tool easily available to the today’s photographers. Don't prevent yourself to use them creatively!

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