27 juin 2022

Why absolutely spectacular?

 Each time we saw photo contest results, most of the awards are given to spectacular picture entries. It is a kind of cultural disease where impact is paramount of success in photography instead of a profound story inspired by looking at the picture presented. On the other hand, the "spectacular" is often fast forget with no real lasting impression.

For sure (and to be certain that many who read this modest post won't call off already!), initial impact is a good quality to consider in doing or selecting any photograph. But impact has also to be work in a way that is giving some deep reflexion, another certain picture prime quality, as for technical mastering in the image making, as for creative composition of the subject.

Is it because there are too many pictures published in detriment to be more selective, another disease encounter into the Photo planet? Is it how many pictures you will publish that will be counted at the end? Or the only ones (or one) that people will consciously or not will retained.

Impact is a strange thing and in our highly marketing and material world, there is a constant search to get one, but we have a strong tendency to waste impact, a brief and ephemeral moment without be concerned about some kind of cultural preservation of the subject and its context.

Why absolutely spectacular? Oh well if it is absolutely what's who wants...

Photos Daniel M: Panasonic Lumix G95 / G 25mm F1.7; Fujifilm X-H1 / XC50-230mm II OIS

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