21 juin 2022

The start of a (photo-grafik) conversation ... between us!

 Let's say it: graphic views or perspectives are against nature or is it the contrary? Because anything may be graphic if you analyze it differently. How they say in English: don't put too much "graphic" contain! (Meaning too much explicit as I understand the expression). Graphic is also highly materialistic, but it can be virtual at the same time on a sheet of paper, on a canvas or on a screen for example.

So, graphic is in fact a universal subject and, by extension, a universal language even better than mathematic. Graphic is geometric, eccentric, eclectic and so on. There is emotion in graphic or is it a mind play that is associating feeling when you observe graphic? The outlaw graphics are graffities which are the free expression of visual graphic without following the usual rules imposed by the society.

In one word, graphic is finally and simply graphical!

Photos Daniel M: Lumix G95 / G Vario 12-60mm F3.5-5.6 P.OIS

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