24 novembre 2020

Two hundred means nothing or everything!

Reaching any numeral level can exercise for some a kind of fascination. For others it proves some kind of persistence. And for other others it represents simply nothing. So, having published two hundred posts over the years on this blog is not in any ways comparable to the more serious personal web sites with thousands of posting and interactions between followers.

In fact, I am only a bit surprised that I have done all those posts *** while many had been less persistent and simply abandoned their channel to go somewhere else. I have found many Internet personal tragedy when I discovered nice now orphan blogs or Web site that had no longer recent activity. You are confronted with broken lines of interesting not only of information but furthermore of beautiful personal and emotive human engagement. However, I can easily understand the lassitude of the creators facing the difficulty of getting positive and interesting feedbacks from their blog visitors.

In my case, I never have really pro-active followers but a good number of visitors which is OK under the Web perspective that people just pick the moment and after that go to another web pick (We do all this!).

It happened a few times that I was discourage to a point that I had almost suicided this blog. It happened again this year during the month of August 2020 (No posts!). And finally, some changes in the way I am interacting with blog have revive the motivation to create new posts with a new approach (like the Flash-Post series). How long it will stand? We don't know because we are facing radical changes regarding photographic interest and ways to produce them under the new human reality of sanitized interact between ourselves.

If you like or you want simply to react to theses blog posts, don't prevent yourself to use the commentary section under the related post. That is always very appreciated!

*** Two hundred (posts) is a nice number but I must add that more than 200 of them have in fact been presented on this blog but some (especially in the early ones) have been regrouped or more drastically removed from their ephemeral prosperity!

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