30 avril 2020

Going back, a never ending (fruitless) dream!

Every time that we are facing to an inevitable transformation or we are on a verge of a more fundamental change, you can see all those sudden and popular trends proposing going back to the past. But it is profoundly human to be insecure about something we don’t really know how it will establish themselves in your day-today life.

The obvious example of that in the photographic field is the reemergence of the interest in film photography, a technique that have been substituted and surpassed by the digital technology. For sure the digital photography emergence doesn't prevent many people to persist in using the old film technique and its associated and still available products as long it will possible to do so. There will be surely some supplying and environmental issues regarding this resurgence, but we won’t elaborate about these issues.

Going back seems to be reassuring although we must add that for most of us, we have already understood the virtues of going ahead with the future of things. In fact, is it possible to going back by simply ignoring, boycotting and refusing the progress as a positive value of the evolution of humanity? And this is not the most intriguing about going back idea because for some of those who defend these trends, going back is a better solution than looking ahead. Like a kind of time-laps refuge that will defend ourselves again the uncertainty of the future.

There is not only one factor that is pushing the evolution of things. It is an array of decisive multi-reasons, multi-events and multi-influences (external) that is provoking the change. Digital photography is not only related to a specific technology of equipment, it is also the result of the global spreading of personal and commercial communication through Internet. If the camera makers have not followed this trend, they would have been simply eliminated from their market share and, in fact, some have already paid a higher price for having been to slow to do it.

Now we are entering into a new social physical distancing era for obvious reasons. And it will last for a longer period of time that we have first anticipated it and hoped that everything will back as it used to be in a very short time. That will be not the case and the Internet social channels are becoming more and more important and less recreational too. Photography will have to adapt itself to this intermediate reality, at least for a few years and, who knows, it can be a more permanent change in a long term.

I think you have past the photo equipment review blogs domination over the Web as many of them are not only redundant but also not so pertinent in a more mature market. We have to move ahead with the real purpose of doing photography which is sharing your personal visions of this world. Hardware or software subjects have to be rightly replaced by the true subjects of the pictures or photographs. And the discussion must evolve to the family of man (and woman) and his/her surrounding universe.

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