25 février 2025

To be influential and ... to be inclusive!

 It may be seen as a contradiction for some but for others it can be a must. Today there is a lot of "influencers" that are more in search of a "blind" appreciation rather to start a two-way conversation in exchange of ideas and impressions. These ones love to listen to themselves and consider their surrounding people as noisy echos of their selfish world. My perception of them may appear a bit extreme but you have to admit that it is not far from the true.

The quality of influence that we are transmitting around ourselves is very variable and cannot be really measurable most of the time. It is because of the complex nature of humanity which is a kind of mosaic that changed constantly. Photography allows us to "freeze" certain moments and be able to analyze them with more attention and accuracy. That is why still photography had played and is still playing a strong influence over its audience.

There is no subject that photography will avoid to approach and is trying to leave a tangible testimony. It is an integral and traditional part of the practice of the medium. It is true to say that this diversity of subjects and genres depends at its start on the different photographers and their own context for creating their pictures. But we can easily stated that the action of photography should stay inclusive independently of everybody first interpretation. Exploring the subject is certainly of a wider interest than simply exploiting it in a narrow view.


If you reunite the intention to be influential with the need to be inclusive you will broader the impact of sharing yours pictures and their interpretation of any subjects or contexts.

Photos Daniel M

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