07 novembre 2022

Minimalist Kompozitions

  Small is beautiful or we might say that just few people can be more appreciated than a complete crowd, at least for some of us. But what the simplicity limit point in photography? Surely you need some kind of subject or a recognizable context as a reference. If not, it is only a blank white or black sheet (virtually or not). So, the challenge is to reduce the complexity of the picture subject but also to be able to leave enough visual information to the looker.

It is a bit like art painting where some great artists have created minimal canvas image presentation with just few patches of color. You can ether see in it as a scandalous way of provoking people or a new way of a very basic universe visual interpretation. We can also add that, at this point of the discussion, without any cultural references, it begins very difficult to define a specific emotion toward the work of the author. It is like symbolism without symbols.

We cannot really disregard some human tastes over our own and that can be said for the multiple photographic creativity interpretations. You just have to leave space for everybody to express themselves and we may discover at the end something new and inspiring.

Photos Daniel M: Fujifilm X-S10 / Fujinon XC50-230mm OIS II

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