16 février 2021

Less better than more: a pandemic lesson!

I have never been particularly interested by crowded places or of big gatherings. It can be paradoxical for an urban fellow like me, but it may be because my mother had taught me in a very young age to be a self-sustained person more than a socialite one. For sure I am not the only one that secretly appreciate the more peaceful way to live that the pandemic crisis has provoked for almost a year now. But I won't argue the very human necessity to interact with our other relatives, friends and fellows.

Many have complained how much the new restrictions regarding mobility and social opportunities have depressed them deeply. I can understand partly them because it is never easy to adapt radically our behavior in a very short notice. For some like me, sincerely it was not that difficult. Simply put, it allows us to better concentrate our life on already more solitaire ways of doing things such as doing photography (my case).

Contextual photography doesn't necessarily need to be stereotyped by an obvious human presence. It can be as subtle as you can choose to visually interpret it. One small detail might do the difference between a powerful message or a complete soup of ignorance when too melted with other distracting details. We can call the process of "purgation". It is like presenting too many pictures instead of really pointing the only one that will impact the looker.

Our daily material surrounding is very rich and even, let's say, an empty wall can be revealed by the changing light and its own texture. The experience of observation is the one that will be questioning yourself first and before photographically register it. Every visual situation is a fest of diverse sensations that can be personally painted in our mind. This iconic interpretation is transposed on the bias of our photographic representation, i.e., on the taken picture and share.

We cannot emphasize more the importance of observing our always changing world, small and big universe of diversity in term of subjects and contexts. And the message we generate by doing photography is essentially an individual one opposes to an insipid majority and repetitive one because there is not only one universal comprehend of our world but multiple thinking variations.

What the actual pandemic situation, which is not new in the modest human history, should have learned to us at least is the vanity of abondance compare to the necessity of a certain spirituality of the things. The photographic wonders of this world are may be already beside you!

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