14 juillet 2015

Full Frame is available in all camera formats

«  There is no such specific image captor format that can be proclaimed full frame or format ». 

This is a modern controversy that has been started with the introduction of the digital cameras. During the film era we use to call small, medium and large formats as a reference to the actual dimensions of the film.

Frame at work
With digital cameras this classification has been conveniently forgotten in favour of a more marketable categorization.  For technical, economical and practical reasons the necessity of using large or medium sizes of image captor have decline in favour of mini dimensions such as APS-C, DX, FX, M4/3, CX, etc.

Frame at door
There has been and still is a debate regarding the level of quality needed for an image to be accepted as an artistic or professional true accomplishment. We know that the quality of a final artistic or commercial product not only depend on technical data but is also related with the quality of composition, the choice of subject, the moment of expression and more as they apply in the final nature of the picture.

Frame gong
So you cannot dissociate the purpose of doing and diffusing an image with the level of quality it is generating. Moreover the exceptional pictures of the past are staying exceptional even after the big technologic advancements.

“Full frame” in my book refers at first to the full use of the picture taking frame. 
It was a technique that was popular during the film era especially with the medium and small formats by presenting the negative frame or part of it on the final print. .

Leaves on frame
So you can conclude that “Full frame” is in fact available in every existing or past photo captor formats which is including the medium or larger formats, 24 X 36 mm, 15 X 24 mm, M4/3, 1” and so on.

Frame me

We can imagine many artists using photography as a basic canvas that will be use as an expression tool as painters do. Digital photography is an art representation like others art forms of representation.

End of Frame.